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Bright Beige and Dark Wengue Featured

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This complete kitchen with furniture fished in bright lacquer contains integrated the appliances; dish washing, fridge, ovens, coffee maker, and accesories in its modules. The  neat jointing between seams creates an organized area. It has been designed to fill the hole hight from floor to the roof of 2,70m.

Esta completa cocina con mobiliario acabado en laca brillante color tórtora contiene integrados a sus modulos a los aparatos; lavavajillas, nevera, hornos, cafetera y accesorios. La limpieza de las juntas entre los elementos crea un area organizada. Esta diseñada para que los modulos ocupen la altura total de piso a techo de 2,70 m.

Last modified on Thursday, 28 June 2012 09:17